Mount Horeb Community Foundation
PO Box 66 Mt. Horeb, WI 53572  
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 608-832-6633
About Us

About Us

PO Box 66 Mt. Horeb, WI 53572  
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 608-832-6633
Simple and easy to use request form.
Investing Locally
Annual funding is awarded to those individuals and/or groups organized exclusively for charitable, scientific, literary, religious and educational purposes. Over $1.5 Million has been handed out since 1988 to the Mt. Horeb area.

​Funding requests may be made by individuals or groups that are residents of, or serving the vicinity of the Village of Mt. Horeb, requiring financial support for a project or service that advances and enriches the common welfare of the community or a group within.
MHCF encourages grant requests for projects or programs that:  

  •   are likely to have a substantial impact on the quality of life of people in the community;
  •   propose practical ways to address community issues and problems;
  •   leverage other sources of support (i.e., funds or volunteers);
  •   stimulate others to participate in addressing community problems;
  •   assist non-profit organizations to maximize effective management;
  •   are sustainable over time.

The Foundation has limited resources, so there are restrictions on the scope of the activities the Foundation is able to support. In general, the Foundation does NOT grant funds for:

  •   unrestricted general operating expenses; 
  •   endowment funds; 
  •   umbrella funding organizations that intend to distribute funds at their own discretion; 
  •   political lobbying or legislative activities; 
  •   individuals.
Long form requiring lots of supplementary information.
Complete this form by 12/31 in the year the grant is received. Each grant recipient must file a Final Report in order to be considered for future funding. 
 Applications must be electronically filed by 9/1 
for consideration

Recent Funding:
If you're applying for a new grant and your previous grant is incomplete, fill out this project update form during the application process.